Firefighter Brad


The Fire Within: Leadership Lessons from the Wildfires

The Fire Within: Leadership Lessons from the Wildfires

Out there in the heat and smoke of wildfires, leadership isn’t about rank—it’s about stoking a different kind of fire: the fire within. As a firefighter and leader, I’ve seen that the strongest fires aren’t the ones we battle in the wilderness, but those we ignite in ourselves and others. Let’s break down these fires using the acronym FLAMES—Focused, Loyal, Adaptable, Motivated, Educated, and Strong.

FOCUSED: The North Star

When fighting wildfires, distractions can be lethal. You’ve got to be focused, like a laser beam. You can’t afford to lose sight of your goals. As a leader, I carry that same focus into my work. Whether in the bush or boardroom, we’ve got to keep our eyes on the prize and not let setbacks knock us off course. Focus is the North Star guiding us through the darkness.

LOYAL: Backing Your Mates

In the thick of a fire, you’ve got to trust your team. That’s where loyalty comes in. We watch each other’s backs, no questions asked. Leadership is no different. Stick by your team, and they’ll stick by you. That’s how you build a group that’ll walk through fire together, in the bush or business.

ADAPTABLE: Reading the Wind

A change in wind direction can turn a controlled burn into an out-of-control blaze. Being adaptable is crucial on the fire line—it’s all about staying ahead of the game. In leadership, the winds of change are always blowing. We’ve got to be ready to adjust our plans, strategies, and even our goals at a moment’s notice.

MOTIVATED: The Drive to Keep Going

When you’re out in the field, fighting a fire that just won’t quit, you’ve got to dig deep. It’s that internal fire, that motivation, that keeps you going. It’s the same in leadership. When times are tough, a leader’s job is to keep that fire burning in their team, to keep pushing towards the finish line.

EDUCATED: Knowledge Fuels Action

Fighting wildfires isn’t just about physical strength; it’s about understanding the fire’s behavior, reading the environment, predicting what’s going to happen next. That’s where being educated comes in—it gives you the tools to make smart, effective decisions. As leaders, we must continually learn and grow, equipping ourselves with knowledge to make the best decisions for our teams and organizations.

STRONG: More Than Muscle

When you’re hauling hoses and equipment, physical strength matters. But the strength required to face down a roaring fire is more than just muscle—it’s mental grit. It’s about standing firm in the face of adversity, refusing to back down. Leadership demands the same kind of strength. You’ve got to have the grit to weather the tough times and lead your team through to the other side.

In the end, fighting fires and leading in times of change have more in common than you might think. It all comes down to kindling the right kind of fires—the ones that make us and our teams Focused, Loyal, Adaptable, Motivated, Educated, and Strong.